Keep your pets in the comfort of your own home.
Pet Sitting
Rates and Fees
DOG(s): Starting $33 per daily visits. Exact rates are based on distance.
Includes feeding/meds/lights/blinds or curtains/mail/watering of plants/ litter box (for cats).
$10 additional per pet/per owner. $10 additional for weekend days. Holiday walking rates apply to holiday and weekend leading to the Holiday)
CAT(s) and Others: $25.00 per 30min visit up to 3 cats. $5.00 additional fee applies for each additional cat there after. Additional $5.00 fee for each weekend visit(s). We only cover consecutive day coverage. No job share. $45 Holiday and weekend leading to holiday.
- Last Minute Fee: $50 last-minute fee (LMF) applies for any reservations that needs to be set up with brand new sitters within/ less than 72 hours. Within 7 days if reservation falls on a major holiday.
CANCEL POLICY 3 Days prior & 7 Days prior for bookings falling on a holiday.
LATE CANCEL IS for the FULL amount of the booking.
WE DO NOT COVER PET-SITTING WITH 2 visits a day for dogs.
*** See Calendar for Holidays ***